Wheat germ oil

Wheat germ oil

250 UAH
Volume: 250 ml

Nutritional Composition per 100 g:

  • Protein: 0 g
  • Fat: 99.8 g
  • Carbohydrates: 0 g
  • Calories: 884 kcal

Vitamin and Mineral Composition:

  • Amino Acids: Leucine and Tryptophan
  • Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids: Omega-3 and Omega-9
  • Vitamin Complex: B1, B2, B3, B6, E, A, D, Selenium
  • Macro and Microelements: Phosphorus, Zinc, Magnesium
  • Antioxidants: Squalene, Allantoin


Wheat Germ Oil: A Source of Vitamins and Antioxidants for Health!

Wheat germ oil contains vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that protects tissues from the harmful effects of free radicals that damage body cells. It improves the nourishment of skin and hair, which is why it is included in therapeutic and preventive cosmetics, and foods rich in it are recommended for skin diseases. Vitamin E influences blood coagulation, helping to prevent thrombosis, improves the elasticity of both large and small blood vessels, and slows the formation of cholesterol plaques.

Health Benefits:

  • Wheat germ oil can significantly improve heart and vascular health and even blood composition. It contains substances that, in combination, strengthen vessel walls, normalize blood pressure, and lower harmful cholesterol levels, preventing plaque buildup and thrombosis.
  • Zinc, vitamin E, manganese, and allantoin prevent inflammation in various parts of the cardiovascular system. A unique antioxidant complex of vitamins E and A, octacosanol, and squalene protects the heart and blood vessels from free radical damage. Wheat germ oil positively affects metabolic processes in the myocardium, while calcium and phosphorus help regulate heart rhythm and contraction strength.
  • The oil is beneficial for the prevention and treatment of hypertension, diabetic retinopathy, anemia, atherosclerosis, ischemic disease, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, and hemorrhoids.
  • Immunity: Regular use of wheat germ oil boosts overall body resistance. The immune system effectively fights infections and viruses, which positively impacts recovery times during flu and cold epidemics.
  • It supports normal pregnancy at all stages, prevents skin stretch marks, and enhances lactation. In cases of fetoplacental insufficiency, the oil positively affects the fetoplacental complex.

With regular use, wheat germ oil is an excellent preventive measure against strokes and heart attacks. It also positively influences women's reproductive health. B vitamins, vitamin E, estrogen-like phytosterols, manganese, and zinc maintain optimal hormonal balance, normalize the menstrual cycle, and prevent inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs. This justifies the use of vegetable oil in the prevention and treatment of infertility and various gynecological diseases. Polyunsaturated fatty acids provide protective effects on sperm and egg cells. Zinc, vitamin E, manganese, and selenium combined help enhance potency and influence sperm production. It is important to note that zinc significantly reduces the risk of developing adenomas and stimulates testosterone production, whose decreased levels are a cause of many sexual disorders. This "hormone of courage" influences sexual behavior, provides sexual energy flow, improves erections, and enhances potency.

Application in Cosmetics:

  • It influences the water-lipid balance of the epidermis, helping to normalize it, preventing dryness and flaking, and treating inflammation by drying out acne.
  • It tightens the facial contour and helps maintain its tone.
  • Richly nourishes the skin, making it silky and soft.
  • Due to the presence of vitamin E, it reduces photaging of cells, and with consistent use, diminishes age wrinkles.
  • It has mild whitening properties, affecting age spots and freckles, making them less noticeable.
  • It improves complexion by toning and refreshing the skin.
  • It helps eliminate stretch marks.
  • It aids in reducing cellulite by enhancing blood microcirculation.
  • It has anti-inflammatory properties and soothes irritated skin, gently cleansing and preventing acne.
  • It helps normalize sebum production, tightens pores, and prevents acne.
  • It exfoliates dead skin layers, promoting rapid cell regeneration.

For the Face Against Wrinkles: As we age, more attention is paid to the face since collagen fibers weaken, and the skin needs constant nourishment and hydration. Preventing or diminishing wrinkles can only be achieved with regular care. Daily use of wheat germ oil can help reduce even deep age or expression lines. Thanks to its rejuvenating antioxidants and vitamins, it smooths out age lines and protects the face from premature aging.

For the Eye Area: The skin around the eyes is sensitive and thin, lacking a fatty layer, leading to dryness and a tendency to develop wrinkles. Care products should be chosen carefully to avoid harming this delicate skin. Special care for the eye area involves constant nourishment and enrichment with vitamins and beneficial elements. Wheat germ oil for the face has rejuvenating properties and hydrates dry skin areas.

How to Use: In cooking: Wheat germ oil has a strong aroma but a pleasant, mild taste, making it suitable for adding to salads, cereals, and hot dishes.

The oil is not suitable for heat treatment; heating above 60 degrees destroys all nutrients! For therapeutic prevention: consume 2 g per day (1 tsp). Take it 30 minutes before meals. Course: one to two months.

There are many ways to use wheat germ oil. It can be used to prepare scrubs, various masks, and applications. The product can be mixed with different cosmetics: creams, lotions, shampoos. It can also be combined with various cosmetic and essential oils or used as a cleanser for removing makeup.


  • In case of individual intolerance or allergies;
  • In case of inflammation or acne;
  • Burns, scratches, or wounds that are still bleeding;
  • After salon procedures (facial cleansing, chemical peeling);
  • If there are postoperative stitches.